I look forward to this final class in my ESL certificate. I have enjoyed learning through the other courses and so I know I will enjoy this one. I look forward to developing my understanding of how to use all the language skills effectivly in task based lessons. I am a big fan of the task based learning, I have been trying it out more in my classroom over the past few months and I find it fun and the students love it and learn through it. We ordered seeds from a seed catalog, they planted seeds in indoor containers and they visited a local furniture store to learn about their furniture and the sale they were having. They learned through these lessons, yet I still felt there was something missing; grammar needed to flow better out of the tasks or the tasks took too long and talking through what they did was too short. Always something to improve on. I hope to work through the details of how this should work better and to see where I have missing links. The next theme my students asked for is spring cleaning; does anyone have suggestions on tasks, activities ...?