Monday 11 June 2012


There are some things we just take for granted. We don't realize the amazing yet simple keys to communication that we use all the time, until we stop to think about them. There are small changes in the words/phrases we say in order to convey a meaning; we do it every time we speak without thinking of it. Like breathing we communicate.  Prosody is a new word for me and I like it. I like how it rolls off the tongue; saying it feels like it's meaning: melody and rhythm. Judy B. Gilbert sees prosody as the interconnected aspects of rhythm and melody of language. After this past weeks module on pronunciation I have a new appreciation for how I am able to communicate with people because of the article we read and a video I watched by Judy B. Gilbert. Communication features were brought to my attention that I had not stopped to think about before. I am also very excited about integrating this element of prosody into my teaching. My understanding of what pronunciation all includes has been expanded and I see how this new way of thinking about pronunciation will really help my students improve communication.